Baby Formula Coupons & Great Formula deals

We all know that raising baby is very expensive. One big cost is baby formula. I have been looking for coupons for baby formula, free samples, free checks etc all the time.

Here are the best sources for Baby Formula coupons:

The Enfamil Family Beginnings program offers coupon savings and other infant development news for parents. Join this program and you will receive up to $250 FREE Enfamil baby formula coupons and samples.


Similac Welcome Addition
To get Similac coupons, sign up for the Welcome Addition club at its Web site with your home address, email address etc.


Nestle Good Start “very best baby”
Nestle’s Very Best Baby site is the place for Good Start formula coupon/checks


You can also Earn Free Baby Formula Coupons at

Ebay is my favorate place to buy. One thing I used to buy from eBay all the time is baby formula.




on eBay!



First let’s check the price on other websites or local retail store. Here we use Enfamil formula as example.


CVS (local retail store) sell Enfamil Lipil formula 12.9oz cost $13.99. That is average $1.08 per ounce. Not include sales tax. (online or local store) sell Enfamil Lipil formula 36.5oz cost $32.49. That is average $0.89 per ounce. Not include sales tax and Costco member fee. online store. The price varies base on sellers. But the pric is about $1 per ounce.


How much is the Enfamil formula on eBay? We need to check the complete listing. You will see there are a lot of formula being sold on eBay. Some are selling bulk. Some just sell one or two cans. If you do the math, you will find the best deal is not from the bulk sell but from these individual sellers who just sell one or two cans. Why? Because people who sell bulk are reselling to make money. People who sell one or two cans are just trying to get rid of the stuff they don’t need. They really don’t care how much they can get. As long as the shipping fee is covered, they are willing to get rid of them. Where do they get the formula? Normally they receive the sample mailed from the formula company. However, their baby may be using another brand formula or their baby need soy based formula etc. Thus the sample formula is useless. Instead of throw them away, they choose to sell on eBay.


When I place a bid, I calculated the maximum bid as following. Base on the calculation, I am satisfied with the $0.70/oz. That is 20% less than buying from Costco 30% less than buying from CVS. So If I see a listing for 2 cans of 8oz formula, I will do the math, $0.70*8*2= $11.2. So I place a bid at the maximum $11.2. A lot of times, I won at a much lower price. Most of sellers ship pretty fast. So no sales tax, save time on shopping and most important, save money.  For a 12.9oz formula, $0.70*12.9=$9.03. That is $4.96 less than the original price $13.99. This is almost same as using a $5 coupon. Keep in mind that you do not need to pay sales tax and you can get cash back. (Learn how to get cash back from eBay)



Also, you can buy valuable Baby formula coupons from eBay.

register a new eBay account

today! The Amazon Deal of the day can be something that sold on eBay.

Another benifet to have multiple eBay accounts is to get eBay coupon. eBay constantly pick up some accounts and give away eBay coupons. It only work if you use that account to buy on eBay. Not all accounts will get the coupon. With multiple accounts, you have more chance to get coupon. If you get a good coupon, you can buy from eBay (use the coupon to save more) and then resell on eBay to make a profit. So again, go

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